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Improve Your Swing with the #1 Trainer - LineDrivePro

Improve Your Swing with the #1 Trainer -  LineDrivePro


  1. Gurus use the term "know your swing" in many contexts this allows you the ability to improve your baseball swing - know your bat path, know how to get into a powerful position, know when to start motion, know your sequence, know your launch angle - you know, know your swing, kid!
  2. How we arrive at knowing our swing is different for many hitters and not always easily done, but it's important to have a way to practice this skill to be able to improve your baseball swing.
  3. A good hitter knows it’s important to get the bat into the zone as quickly as possible and stay in the hitting zone for an extended amount of time.
  4. The LineDrivePro Swing Trainer helps you improve your baseball swing. It helps hitters to swing the bat correctly through the zone and develop muscle memory and the proper feel of keeping the barrel in the hitting zone all without the assistance of a pitcher.
  5. If the hitter maintains the barrel in the hitting zone and breaks the wrist in the correct palm up palm down position, the desired success will be achieved - a line drive.


'Know your swing' is a common phrase you hear in baseball and softball. Gurus use it in many contexts - know your bat path, know how to get into a powerful position, know when to start motion, know your sequence, know your launch angle - you know, know your swing, kid!

How we arrive at knowing our swing is different for many hitters and not always easily done, but it's important to have a way to practice doing so you know how to improve your baseball swing.

A good hitter knows it’s important to get the bat into the zone as quickly as possible and stay in the hitting zone for an extended amount of time. The longer the barrel of the baseball bat is in the hitting zone equates to a higher probability of good contact.

Diagram showcasing how LineDrivePro Swing Trainer Works

Doing so can be difficult to teach because hitters learn in different ways. One can watch video and make his body repeat what the eyes see. Others need repetitions over time to feel the correct movement to create a habit - muscle memory. Regardless, both of these hitters need repetitions.

Swing Mechanics & Muscle Memory

Man using the LineDrivePro Swing Trainer

The LineDrivePro Swing Trainer helps hitters to swing the bat correctly through the zone and develop muscle memory and the proper feel of keeping the barrel in the hitting zone.

If the hitter maintains the barrel in the hitting zone and breaks the wrist in the correct palm up palm down position, the desired outcome will be achieved - a line drive. Cast the hands or break the wrists too early, and the ball will release to the side of the cage or into the ground. The trajectory of the ball after it leaves the bat gives instant feedback. That's the best part. Do it right, and be rewarded by watching the upward trajectory of a line drive into the back of the cage.

LineDrivePro Trainer: How It Works

LineDrivePro Swing Trainer

The LineDrivePro is easy to use. A practice ball is kept in place with a plastic cup that attaches to the bat with lightweight straps. The player can load the ball with one of their hands very easily while maintaining the bat with the other, so practice reps can flow nicely without interruption.

Set up targets on the back of the cage on towards your hitting surface and you'll be able to fine-tune the release point of the ball out of the training aid. The idea is to focus and carry the same bat path into tee work, flips, and BP to really create a great swing by habit.  The LineDrivePro gives the player the ability to have individual batting practice, this training tool allows the advantage of being able to practice without the need of a pitcher.

Baseball/Softball Swing Training for All Ages

Woman using the LineDrivePro Swing Trainer

Hitters of all ages can find value with the LineDrivePro Trainer. For those still needing to develop the foundation of their swing, this tool helps shorten the learning curve of controlled directional hitting. For established hitters, the LDPT helps maintain an explosive swing by refocusing on swing fundamentals. That is why even professional baseball players train with the LineDrivePro Trainer.

Shop Hitting Aids and Training Bats now on Tanner Tees

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About the Author

Joe H. Tanner Baseball Products was founded by retired coach Joe Tanner after nearly fifty years in baseball. Joe realized a need in the game and solved it with the first Tanner Tee prototype. It was lightweight, portable, and easy to work the inside and outside part of the plate. It disassembled with ease and could be transported from the cage to the ball field in nearly any personal equipment bag. His tee was adjustable and held its height based on friction mechanics. Joe earned three patents for his Tanner Tee.

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