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Top Hand Early Connection - Best Baseball Hitting Drill

Est. Reading:
2 min
Published: July 8, 2020
- The focus of this video is to highlight the top hand early connection drill while teaching the athlete the basics of this tee drill, including batting stance, paying attention to the degree and direction of the body and bat, as well as the swing path. This baseball hitting drill allows teams the opportunity and ability to improve hitting skills and foster arm strength as well as player development.
- When the baseball player creates 90 degrees at an early connection will increase your barrel length through the hitting zone.
- Credit Coach Andrew Beattie @silverbackathlete VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: "Today we're going to talk about creating early connection with one hand.
- What's early connection with your baseball swing?
- Connection is when you are at bat and your body starts to turn and your barrel starts to come around it, is it creating a 90-degree angle with your spine?
This video highlights the top-hand early connection drill. The objective is to create 90 degrees at an early connection will increase your barrel length through the hitting zone increasing your momentum, this is a very effective drill. Credit Coach Andrew Beattie @silverbackathlete
Baseball Hitting Drill
"Today we're going to talk about creating early connection with one hand. What's early connection? Connection is when your body starts to turn and your barrel starts to come around it, is it creating a 90-degree angle with your spine? Meaning, at this point, I'm at 90 degrees. If I start to make my turn and I do this, where am I? Am I here, here, here? Where is my barrel? Lagging. So what I want to do when I'm doing this drill, I want to make sure when I get here, my elbow comes in, as I make my turn, I get to this point like this. So I'm going to create that 90 early by turning the elbow in. Work through. As you notice, I'm not swinging all the way through like this. I want to take my swing, get here and come all the way through like that."