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Tanner Hitting Bundles - 4 Top Sellers to Improve Your Training

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Updated: May 22, 2024
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It All Starts with the Right Equipment
Having the right baseball training equipment and hitting tools makes a huge difference in your game performance at the plate. This isn't just about hitting a baseball - it's about your success in the game. At Tanner Tees, our mission is to assist you at every step of your baseball/softball journey with the best batting tees and complimentary training products that help you improve.
Tanner hitting bundles have been personally selected by our team - pairing Tanner batting tees with essential training tools like the Hitting Deck, a batting practice net, or a wide range of training baseballs.
Each baseball training bundle SHIPS FREE and starts with either the Tanner Original, Pro, Heavy or Home Plate model tee. All Tanner batting tees are adjustable to achieve multiple height positions, while the specific stem height range can be tailored to your hitter based on the following options:
- Adult/Standard: 26-43 inches
- Youth/Short: 20-32 inches
- Low Ball: 16-23 inches
Customers can then select from the baseball training aid or training balls product that best aligns with their needs.
Tanner hitting bundles are a great choice for coaches, home hitters, facilities, teams, and the perfect baseball gift for Christmas, Holidays, or birthdays.
Here are four of our top-selling bundles.
Tanner Pro Youth + Hitting Deck

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The Tanner Pro batting tee combines our adjustable metal stem, rolled rubber FlexTop (patented, hand-rolled ball rest) with a weighted base featuring a unique, portable design. The shorter stem on the Youth model adjusts from 20-32 inches and is perfect for younger hitters to hit at the bottom and top of the strike zone.
The Tanner Pro Youth tee is paired with the Hitting Deck mat training aid, which ensures hitters reproduce the same stance on every repetition regardless of pitch location. The suggested points of contact teach hitters that the bat path, contact point and where on the diamond the baseball or softball is hit changes, but their stance does not. They learn where to hit the pitch and, equally, they gain confidence to know that any pitch, inside or out, can be hit hard without having to change the stance.
For coaches running a practice, the Hitting Deck also serves as a force multiplier. While you're throwing batting practice, a tee station can be set up with confidence, knowing the hitters are creating good habits by following the Stride Guide and tee placement protocol.
Tanner Heavy + Net
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The portable Tanner travel net is a must-have for hitting at home. Space and time limitations make a 7x7 ft portable travel net for baseball or softball a great holiday gift or beginning-of-the-season baseball equipment bundle.
The Tanner Heavy base has a unique, elongated shape that stays in place on wet, dry, soft, solid, wood, cement, fluffy grass, or uneven surfaces. This is a durable batting tee that can take the strongest of baseball and softball hitters.
This past year as we all faced challenges with the coronavirus pandemic, the Heavy Tee + Net bundle became a top seller on our site. Many of our pro minor league customers bought this setup to carry on training in the off-season or while things were, or still are in some states, shut down.
Tanner Tee + Soft Rubber Baseballs

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Paired with our flagship Tanner Original durable batting tee, this bundle features Soft Rubber Training Balls. Sold in a package of 1 dozen, these training balls are the modern day whiffle ball made of a durable rubber material rather than a plastic shell - great for use both indoors and out.
Soft Rubber Training balls are a versatile product. Tee ball coaches can teach hitting, fielding, catching, and throwing to youngsters while decreasing the chance of an injury. The balls have enough mass and weight to allow a glove to squeeze while learning how to catch and throw, and when hit, on or off the tee, the kids will feel the contact better than a foam or whiffle ball.
For older hitters, holes within the ball allow air to pass through, which limits the distance they can fly while still allowing for a full swing. This makes pregame batting practice, warm-up training drills like pepper, or other limited space hitting possible and convenient because balls are not hit all over the outfield.
Tanner Pro + Baseballs

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The Tanner Pro model is a great tee - the perfect blend of stability, weight, and ease of transport. You can find it in hundreds of facilities and high school cages around the country. What you may not have seen yet are Tanner practice baseballs. We don't build baseballs in our facility, but we do offer a high quality practice ball made of genuine leather and a cork center that balances cost with durability and performance.
We expect practice baseballs to perform in facilities that use them daily. We expect their seams to stay intact through the rigors of wheeled pitching machines. And most importantly, we expect that you'll never find an "egg" in your bucket. Our practice balls are a 20% wool, dual rubber cover, cork center, and genuine leather.
Train Hard, Train Often
Our goal is to help hitters hit and Coaches coach. Tanner baseball equipment bundles are your go-to choice for your next hitting practice.
The staff at Tanner Tees is always here to answer any questions you might have. Give us a call (800-230-6219) or visit our Facebook and Instagram pages to connect with other members of our community!